Keep watch on the fascinating, bizarre carnival that is the implosion of the now infamous Scott Rothstein and his namesake law firm Rothstein-Rosenfeldt-Adler.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Source: Kim Rothstein went undercover

Source: Kim Rothstein went undercover


When her attempt to hide more than a million dollars in Ponzi jewelry from the FBI unraveled, Kim Rothstein wore a wire for the feds to help build a case against her lawyer and others, according to a source close to her criminal conspiracy case.


1 comment:

  1. So, she caved but only because she was caught. Scott Rothstein caved too but only because he was caught. Who is going to arrest Al Lamberti? Himself? Not likely. Where is the FDLE who investigated Lamberti for "Superbowl" fraud when there is a real case where people lost billions of dollars and Lamberti gained?

